It’s time for change

Zero Wait stands for better pedestrian crossings, zero pedestrian deaths, and net zero carbon emissions. Your feedback helps us advocate for better pedestrian infrastructure - creating a safer, less congested and more environmentally friendly city for all.

Take the Survey to help us build a better Cape Town for pedestrians!

Take the survey

Data is crucial in understanding the current state of pedestrian safety in Cape Town. By collecting information about pedestrian crossings, we can identify areas that need improvement and advocate for better infrastructure. Be a part of the change - add your voice here!
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Explore the data

Click on a suburb below to explore the safety of pedestrian crossings in Cape Town using our interactive map.

What the ratings mean

Safe Crossing

This crossing is safe and accessible. It has most or all of the below features:

  • It has a speed hump, island protection or other traffic calming measures.
  • It adheres to universal urban design principals
  • There is adequate visible signage for motorists
  • Less than 5 seconds wait time
  • At least 15 seconds to cross the road

Dangerous Crossing

This crossing functions poorly due to a combination of some or all of the following:

  • It has a speed hump, island protection or other traffic calming measures.
  • It adheres to universal urban design principals
  • There is adequate visible signage for motorists
  • Less than 5 seconds wait time
  • At least 15 seconds to cross the road

Dangerous Crossing

This crossing is very dangerous. Pedestrians should be extremely vigilant if crossing here.

  • It has a speed hump, island protection or other traffic calming measures
  • It adheres to universal urban design principals
  • There is adequate visible signage for motorists
  • Less than 5 seconds wait time
  • At least 15 seconds to cross the road

What’s next?

Zero Wait is working to deepen our qualitative data using our Survey tool, while also collecting quantitative data submitted by users on the street to identify problem areas, and expand the project into new suburbs. We use this data to strengthen our advocacy work, and to improve the pedestrian experience for everyone in the city.

More data means more impact. Once you have take the survey, you can help us spread the word about Zero Wait by sharing this page to your network, or sign up to our newsletter to get email updates about new ways to get involved.

Want to know more? Read more about the Zero Wait campaign using below:

This is a project by the Active Mobility Forum through Young Urbanists and the Bicycle Mayor of Cape Town, Sindile Mavundla to have 50% trips via active mobility by 2030. Zero wait is sponsored by Charge The Streets.
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Zero Wait by AMF. Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban & Pretoria | +27 76 451 8656